Saturday, July 27, 2024

Facebook 14th anniversary: CEO says mistakes were key to progress

Facebook, the global social networking platform, was started on February 4, 2004 by a 19-year-old student of Harvard University. Mark Zuckerberg, will years on...

Uganda: Pres. Museveni signs Age Limit Bill into law

Uganda’s President Museveni has signed into law the controversial age limit Bill that dominated the political space in 2017, paving the way for him...

Man arrested in Brazil for attempt to douse Olympic torch

A man has been arrested for trying to extinguish the Olympic torch by throwing a bucket of water over it as it passed through...

Philippine court orders arrest of ex-first lady for graft

The Philippines’ anti-corruption court on Friday ordered the arrest of former first lady Imelda Marcos after finding her guilty on seven counts of graft...

Woman billed £60 for not turning up to friend’s wedding

At best, wedding costs could be described as "eye-watering." At worst, you're looking roughly at the price of your own tropical island. With this in...

Ghana faces rising debt costs on return to Local Bond Market

After canceling four bond sales since April, Ghana risks paying higher borrowing costs when it returns to the market on Thursday with its largest...

28 bodies discovered after clashes near Libyan capital

Twenty eight bodies with bullet wounds and torture marks were discovered on Saturday in an area west of Libya’s capital that has recently seen...

PHOTOS: Mugabe celebrates 93rd Birthday with extravagant party

Thousands of supporters praised the leadership of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe at a celebration to mark his 93rd birthday. The party is estimated to...

Multiple blasts in Turkish capital Ankara

The blasts have caused a number of casualties and spread panic across the city, which was targeted by Islamic State militants in October when...

Mozambique prepares for cholera after cyclone wreaks havoc

The number of people in makeshift camps had risen by 18,000 to 128,000 since Sunday, he said, adding that the government would install a...