Businessman cum Politician, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom says state institutions ought to exhibit prompt response to problems and reform their attitudes to work.

Dr Nduom had a day of grief on Saturday 22 April when fire tore through his hotel premises, the Coconut Grove Regency Hotel, housing other properties and destroyed several items running into thousands of cedis.

The wild inferno which started around 5:00 pm destroyed other adjoining properties belonging to businessman and politician, Dr. Paa Kwesi Nduom.

Reacting to the unfortunate incident on Facebook, Dr. Nduom said:“I have a heavy heart because though accidents do happen, this fire should not have caused so much damage and destruction. We have a lot to do to reform our state institutions and attitude to working with urgency when we are confronted with problems,”

Dr Nduom further wrote: “As far as my faith will take me, I give thanks to God. This has been one of the most difficult months for me as an entrepreneur ever and for my family. Still we stand ready to keep moving on, positively. We owe our ability to do this to many, many well-wishers from near and far who encourage us and support our enterprises. I am thankful for our loyal customers and business partners who have gone beyond their personal interests to stand by us no matter what.

“We have an amazing team of management and staff. The teamwork they have demonstrated to ensure that the Regency Hotel fire challenge is overcome quickly has been wonderful to observe. They are living the spiritual guidance we teach all our employees: 2 Timothy 1:7 ‘For the spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline’ and Jeremiah 29:11: ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”

He added that he was grateful to government officials, friends, politicians, religious leaders, and businessmen and women and others for their encouragement and concerns.

Meanwhile, the Interior Minister, Ambrose Dery has promised to launch an investigation into allegations suggesting that personnel from the Ghana National Fire Service(GNFS) moved in to fight the Coconut Grove Regency Hotel inferno without water.

Reports said the GNFS responded to the distress call yesterday without water to fight the raging fire.

Although the Public Relations Officer of the Ghana National Fire Service, Mr Billy Anaglate has denied such reports making rounds, the Minister insists a probe ought to be conducted into the allegations of weak response to the Fire by the personnel.

Mr. Dery who was at the scene Saturday told the media, he’ll expect a full report on the incident today, Monday, April 24.