Security Analyst, Irbard Ibrahim has described the decision of the Attorney General’s Department to discontinue a case in which 8 members of the pro ruling NPP, Vigilante group, Delta Force were standing trial for freeing their 13 colleagues from lawful custody, as bad Public Relations move for government.

According to him, though the Akufo-Addo administration has shot itself in the foot, it can still make ammends by putting things right via the probe ordered by the AG, Gloria Akufo to look in the circumstances leading to the release of the suspects.

Eight members of Delta Force, were freed by Kumasi Circuit Court 2, on May, 17, 2017 over lack of evidence to prosecute them.

Abass Caesar, Ebenezer Opoku, Samuel Yeboah, Kofi Fosu, Christian Anokye, Kwame Frempong, Eric Kusi and Abdul Suleman Odudu were released because the prosecution did not have evidence to prove its case of assault on a public officer and three other charges leveled against them.

They attacked the court, intimidated the judge and freed 13 suspects who were at the time standing trial for attacking the Ashanti Regional Security Coordinator.

However, the outcome of the case has generated huge public uproar with the Minority NDC condemning the decision.

The Attorney General Gloria Akuffo has ordered investigations into the circumstances under which the Principal State Attorney in Kumasi entered a nolle prosequi and got eight of the suspects discharged for lack of evidence.

But speaking to sit-in host Kwaku Owusu Agyei on Anopa Kasapa on Kasapa FM, Irbard Ibrahim  stated that the government must not allow pressure from party loyalists to push it to take wrong decisions which are not in the best interest of the state just as what transpired in the Montie 3 case.

This is obviously a wrong decision, this will embolden party loyalists the more. For sometime now the incidents of cars seizure has abated. But the manner in which this Delta Force attack which is a case of high public interest has been handled by the government through the AG’s Department will spur on party faithfuls to do what is untoward. This is undoubtedly a bad precedence.”