The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has sent a message across the continent, informing member countries of the African Union (AU) to prioritize youth development in their scheme of things.

In a statement signed by the Acting General Secretary of the NPP, John Boadu, to commemorate the AU Day, the party noted that “no nation can make any meaningful progress without prioritizing matters of the youth development.”

Below is the full statement:


As Ghana joins its neighbouring countries on the continent to mark African Union Day, the NPP is pleased to join the rest of the world in congratulating Africans on the Continent and in the Diaspora for their diverse contribution towards the African project. The party also salutes the continental organization on this milestone occasion and calls on Africans and African governments to reaffirm their support and commitment to the ideals of the Union.

This day, which has been declared a continental holiday, also happens to be the 54th Annivessary of the founding of the African Union and surely, it is worth celebrating.

This year’s celebration is anchored on the theme, “Harnessing the Demographic Dividends through investments in the Youth” with the view to providing a unique opportunity for Africans to reflect on matters of Youth Development and also celebrate milestones chalked in this enterprise.

It is gratifying to note that in Ghana, the government of His Excellency President Nana Akufo-Addo has in words and in deeds, shown significant commitment towards the wellbeing of the nation’s youth and so, the NPP is hopeful that other African countries will emulate the good examples of Ghana. Undoubtedly, no nation can make any meaningful progress without prioritizing matters of Youth Development.

The party also wishes to, on this special occasion, pay glowing tribute to the founding fathers of the Union including our own Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Haille Selassie, Malcom X, Muammar Gaddafi among others. Finally, the NPP extends its best wishes to all Africans as we commemorate this historic day and also calls on Ghanaians in particular, to actively take part in activities earmaked by the Foreign Affairs Ministry to climax the day. Long live our motherland. Long live the continent of Africa.

Thank you.



General Secretary (Ag)