The Northern Regional Police Command has vowed not to relent on unleashing response to contain the riot on the streets of Savelugu by irate youth.

This follows President Akufo-Addo’s order for hooligans in the Savelugu crisis to be arrested and brought to book.

Protesters are giving a tough time to security forces in keeping law and order in Savelugu,the Northern regional town where some members of the ruling New Patriotic Party(NPP) are opposing the office of the Chief Executive of the Assembly,Hajia Aishetu Seidu.

A government delegation dispatched to mediate the growing intra political tensions in the municipality is facing extremely difficult and turbulent negotiation process as first meeting Monday, June 19,2017 ended inconclusively.

But the Regional Police PRO, ASP Mohammed Tanko said the Police are already on standby to deal with the rioters.

“The President’s order was in the right direction but as a Police institution, we need not wait for the President to call upon us before we do the right thing. We have to take decisions that will ensure that there is security and peace in the system, and that is exactly what we set out to do and you remember last Thursday when we went there, we used reasonable force on them and our objective was achieved and since then the message has been sent to them…They have not gathered to do what they did in the past so I think we are on course,” he told Accra-based Citi FM.