Residents of Kpone (Shalom estate) near Tema were on Monday morning stranded and had a diificult time exiting or entering their homes following rains which got the area flooded.

Monday’s experience is not new to the residents as the area is always inundated with water whenever there is a downpour.

The residents are not the only ones who bear the brunt of the rains as the main road leading to the Kpone Katamanso Senior High School is also blocked with stagnant water, a situation that affects academic work.What has worsened the problem is the fact that there are no gutters constructed in the area to carry the water which flows all the way from Dawhenya to the area when it rains which makes the area inaccessible as huge volumes of water collects.

The main drain when it was dredged some time back was poorly done because of non supervision by the assembly, a situation which hasn’t helped matters.

Residents are calling on the assembly to construct gutters in the area as a matter of urgency conidering we’re still in the rainy season. 
A distressed resident Amoako Atta Kwadade who spoke to stated that the last time it rained heavily, he had to accomodate 7 persons in his home for two days because the area had been submerged.

Meanwhile, he also disclosed that even though owners of houses sited beneath high tension cables have been compensated for which reason the occupants should have moved out, some have rented out their houses to others, while junkies have occupied homes of the residents who have vacated the houses, causing insecurity in the area.

Armed robbery cases have been recorded in the area in recent times.