After being advised to avoid excessive work including sexual activities because of his health situation, veteran actor Prince Yawson popularly known as ‘Waakye’ has disclosed that his manhood after the short illness is extremely active again.

The ‘Chorkor Trotro’ actor who was on March 3, 2017 rushed to the Trust Hospital in Osu by a coconut seller after suffering Cardiac attack and later referred to the 37 Military Hospital told TV3 he goes about his normal duties after recuperating from the illness which nearly left him to his fate.

“I’m very potent…I feel my manhood almost five times before day breaks and I can see that it is working very well. It shakes its head like an ‘Agama’ lizard to show that now it is back on track,” Waakye jokingly said.

According to him, he is tempted to experiment with his manhood to be sure about its activeness but he intends to be fully recovered before he will engage in any sexual activity.

“It is always asking me that don’t I have any job for it but I tell it to wait for sometime. I will start giving it jobs and it will even become fed-up when I start giving it more jobs to work on,” Waakye added.

Waakye who hails from Winneba, shot into fame during the popular TV Drama series “Obra”.

He later starred in movies like ‘Ogboo’ and ‘Man Woman’. He has also featured in most of Harry Laud’s productions and series like Jagger Pee series and the Living Arts Show.

He’s also a director and scriptwriter. He is currently divorced with two children.