Former President John Mahama has disclosed that he misses his former boss Prof. John Evans Atta Mills, five years after his death.

A memorial event was held today July 24, 2017 at the Asomdwee Park in Accra in commemoration of the fifth anniversary of the late President.

Historically, he remains Ghana’s first sitting president to have died in office and was succeeded by ex President John Mahama, who was then his vice in 2012.

In an interview with GhOne TV’s Kafui Dey after the celebration, former president Mahama said: “I miss him very much,” describing Prof. Mills as a man of “great moral courage and strength.”

He said he admired the late President for being a father figure for all Ghanaians irrespective of one’s political afiliation.

Mahama noted: “Unfortunately, Ghana continues to be torn apart by partisan differences and that was what Prof. Mills tried to scale. We must remember his characteristics and so try to live up to those values. As we celebrate the 5th anniversary let’s remember what he feels for.”