The National Petroleum Authority(NPA) has debunked reports that government has contracted Puma Energy Ltd as a sole entity to supply Gas and LPG Cylinders to domestic consumers under the Cylinder re-circulation model.

The clarification comes after agitations by Gas Tanker Drivers Association that the said company[Puma] will monopolized the cylinder re-circulation project to be rolled out in September this year.

The Association threatened to embark on a nationwide strike if the National Petroleum Authority(NPA) fails to withdraw the Cylinder re-circulation model expected to be rolled out in September this year.

According to the group, the policy threatens the survival of their businesses if allowed to be implemented.

“About 7000 Ghanaian workers in the LPG Chain will have to be laid off, aggravating the already high unemployment situation in the country. The policy itself is discriminatory. we think the government is not being told the truth. The CRM will be a complete drain on the economy, and as the operators will repatriate all their earnings in foreign currencies, sadly in a job Ghanaians are already doing very well. We therefore call for its withdrawal and extinction,” Chairman of the Association, Shefew Mohammed told Journalists in Tema.

But the authority in s statement denied the said claims insisting that the policy is yet to be finalized and submitted to cabinet for approval.

It also maintains that the existing jobs are secured in the sector, while the policy will open up the system and create more opportunities for individuals.