The National Executive Committee of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has been petitioned to take disciplinary action against former Attorney General Martin Amidu.

The NDC running mate to late Prof. JEA Mills in the 2000 elections, has been a thorn in the flesh of the NDC as he has consistently publicly attacked his fellow party members who were government appointees accusing them of engaging in corruption.

The petition was filed by two party members Lawyer Evans Amankwah and Abigail Elorm Mensah.

According to the duo, Mr. Amidu, “with exceptional determination and consistency and through many publications and other actions, conducted himself in a manner that has:

a. brought and continues to bring the Party into disrepute and public ridicule contrary to Article 46(8) of the Party’s constitution; and b. weakened Party unity and cohesion contrary to article 45 of the party’s constitution.”

Their petition stressed that Mr. Amidu’s posturing is “carefully designed to expose the Party to public hatred, ridicule and opprobrium and to lower its reputation in Ghana and elsewhere.”
The petition added: “Accordingly, we wish the Executive Committee of the Party to take steps to bring disciplinary actions against the Accused.

2. We are willing and ready to assist the Executive Committee in investigating the matters listed above further with the aim of upholding the constitution of the Party. “

Below is the full petition:

7th August, 2017.


Dear Sir,
We the undersigned wish to bring this formal petition to the Executive Committee of the National Democratic Congress (the “Party”) for disciplinary actions to be taken against Mr Martin A.B.K. Amidu (the “Accused”). The particulars of our petition are as follows:
3. We are all registered members of the Party and in good standing. As demanded by Article 45 of the constitution of the Party, we have a duty to protect and defend the Party and its interests at all times. We, therefore, bring this petition pursuant to Article 47 of the constitution of the Party.

4. The Accused is at all material times a member, founding member and member of the Legal and Constitutional Committee of the party and has invariable been described by the public, particularly by the media as a “leading member”, “Senior Member”, “Founding Member,” among others.

5. That notwithstanding his positon in the Party, the Accused has, with exceptional determination and consistency and through many publications and other actions, conducted himself in a manner that has:

a. brought and continues to bring the Party into disrepute and public ridicule contrary to Article 46(8) of the Party’s constitution; and
b. weakened Party unity and cohesion contrary to article 45 of the party’s constitution.

6. Below are some of the particulars of our claims under Paragraph 3 of this petition:

a. That the Accused, without any evidence whatsoever, alleged in a media article published on 2nd November, 2016, that the Party or its leadership did connive with the National Electoral Commission to commit several electoral offences, to wit, to rig the 2016 elections in favour of the Party. We have attached a copy of the article to this petition, which copy may also be found at <> (Last visited on 8th August, 2017).

b. That the Accused, in a media article published on or about 15th November, 2016, did call on voters to vote against the party or its presidential candidate in the 2016 general election. We have attached a copy of the article to this petition, which article may be found at <> (Last visited on 8th August, 2016).

c. That even after the Party has lost the presidential election and many of its seats in Parliament, the Accused, in a media article published on or about 29th July, 2017, with flagship vehemence, did launched insults and largely unsubstantiated accusation at the Party’s Members of Parliament. We have attached a copy of the said article here, which copy may also be found at <> (last visited on 8th August, 2017).

d. That in a media article published on or about 7th August, 2017, the Accused again alleged that the only reason why the Party’s government, former President or the leadership of the Party appointed Mrs Charlotte Osei as the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission was to enable the said Mrs Charlotte Osei help rig the 2016 election to the favour of the Party and its presidential and parliamentary candidates. We have attached a copy of the said article to this petition, a copy which article may be found at <> (Last visited on 8th August, 2017).

7. Indeed, we are unwavering in our belief that the above-listed conducts by the Accused are carefully designed by to expose the Party to public hatred, ridicule and opprobrium and to lower its reputation in Ghana and elsewhere. Accordingly, we wish the Executive Committee of the Party to take steps to bring disciplinary actions against the Accused.

8. We are willing and ready to assist the Executive Committee in investigating the matters listed above further with the aim of upholding the constitution of the Party.
We remain:

Lawyer Evans Amankwah                                                              Abigail Elorm Mensah
2016 Parliamentary candidate                                                    2016 Parliamentary candidate                                        Adansi Asokwa                                                                                            Fanteakwa South