About 140 children in Koforidua -Asokore in the Eastern Region of Ghana-West Africa have been admitted for a free education program by Wood World Missions, a charity wing of UK based Power Center Church.

The maiden Graduation of 28 KG2 pupils to class 1 was held over the weekend alongside commissioning of Fun and Playing grounds for the pupils.

The School provides UK standard education encapsulated with Information Communication and Technology skills and ability to invent and create solutions to solve challenges of the World after school.

Wood World mission operates in Ghana, Uganda, Malawi (8 schools), Congo, Nigeria, South Africa  and other countries. In Ghana, the Mission operates a School in Akosombo and Asokore -Koforidua.

The founder and General Overseer of Wood World Missions & Power Centre Church – UK, Bishop Dr William Wood, tells Kasapa News, Wood World Missions Schools aim at providing quality education according to international standard to the less previlege in society to end the quagmire of poverty in Africa.

“The most important thing is we are bringing quality education to the children, making sure that we have quality teachers who are happy with what they are doing and so on our part we are doing what we can in order to have children leaving school with knowledge and skills. With time, we are going to continue with Secondary and Technical School to provide practical skills for those who are good in technical aspect,”he said.

According to Bishop Dr. Wood having worked in a law firm and criminal court for 25 years as a Lawyer and Senior Crime Prosecutor in UK, he decided to impact the lives of the poor and less privilege worldwide hence the Charity project.

On her part, Rev. Mrs.Mercy Wood said the School will be gradually expanded to to provide the needed knowledge and skills development for needy.

She said, education is crucial in eradicating poverty in Africa hence the numerous education projects on the continent with a blend of Evangelism.

Rev. Mrs.Mercy Wood urged parents to take advantage of the School to educate their children to become influential people in future.

The Regent of Asokore Traditional Area, Nana Prof. Sefa -Dei commended Wood World Mission for the continuous support to the community.

He recounted that 16 years ago, Wood World Missions founders visited the community and donated several computers and accessories which was used for ICT Training Center. He said over 150 youth have been trained in both software and hardware programs.

According to the Chief, every community in Ghana needs to educate its human resources for development therefore the traditional council is extremely happy Wood World Missions has initiated such education project in the community especially when school drop out is prevalent in the area.

By: Kasapafmonline.com/Kojo Ansah