Some Students from Columbia are in Ghana for exchange Program with the National Youth Authority as part a Memorandum of Understanding  signed between the National Youth Authority (NYA) and the National Training Service (SENA) of Columbia in the field of youth entrepreneurship in 2015.

The Columbian students, Jorge Vasquez, Daniela Ruge, Deborah Lopera, Maria Angélica Peinado, Laura Candelo and Helen Castro, are in the Country to learn the dynamics of Ghanaian culture and exchange ideas on entrepreneurship.

Led by a delegation from the Head office and Eastern Regional Office of National Youth Authority (NYA), the team visited NYA’s Youth in Aquaculture project in Senchi to understudy tilapia farming and the culture dynamics of persons living along the Volta Lake.

The team also visited the Akosombo Dam area for a zoom excursion on the Hydroelectric Dam commissioned in 1956 by Ghana’s first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

Other areas visited in Akosombo is the Adomi -Bridge, which is the longest bridge in Ghana stretching across a section of the Volta River measuring 339.9 meter (805 feet) with hinged arch suspension steel bridge.

The Columbia Students and the delegation also visited Nifa Senior High school where two boxes of sanitizers and Note Pads were donated to the school after interactions with the students.

Later the, team visited Akropong School for the Blind where similar donation was made after motivating the physically Challenged students that disability is inability therefore must continue to  persevere for success.

The Assistant Headmaster of Akropong School for the Blind, Joseph Atsu, appealed to the NYA to come to the aid of the School and retool its vocational center to be effective.

On his part, the Acting Eastern Regional Director of NYA, Samuel Afari, promised that the Authority will adopt the Vocational Center of the School to help provide skill training for the students.