Hundreds of staff of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) are demonstrating over their unpaid salaries for the past two years.

They have threatened to besiege the offices of the Ministry of Finance, and the Controller and Accountant General’s to press home their demands.

The Public Relations Officer of the unpaid workers, Abdul Aziz told Fiifi Banson on Anopa Kasapa on Kasapa 102.3 FM Tuesday that they have been told that the delay in paying the salaries is due to financial clearance which is yet to be approved by the Finance Ministry.

They claim the situation has made life very difficult for them as most of them have had to resort to taking loans to take care of their families, while others are also depending on other relatives.

“We are really suffering as we don’t have any monies on us, things are very difficult for us. We have children and wives and other dependants but we are not able to shoulder our responsibilities. How on earth should it take two years to give financial clearance? We just don’t understand what is going on. We have gone through all the necessary processes, biometric registration and all that…..but still our salaries are yet to hit our accounts” he lamented.

They have threatened to advise themselves if their salaries are not paid by the end of August, adding that they would advise themselves if their demands are not met.

“We just can’t take any more excuses, the Finance Ministry and Controller and Accountant General should ensure that all our salaries hit our account by the end of this month. That is the only grace period we can give. Abdul Aziz noted.
