
The matron of the Buipe Senior High School Madam Alidu Rahinatu, who was arrested last week for stealing large quantity of food items belonging to the school, has gone missing after she was handed over to the police.

Police at Buipe in the Central Gonja district of the Northern region are unable to account for the whereabouts of the matron arrested on October 23, 2017 when a mini bus carrying dozen of the flood items was intercepted.

A search in the vehicle found bags of soap, several gallons of cooking oil, Cans of Milk, Sacks of Maize and many consumables all stashed in every space in the hired vehicle with registration number AW 3864 – 13.

The driver of the bus mentioned her as the owner of the stolen items. A search conducted at her house in Buipe also uncovered multiple quantity of those seized in the bus which was on their way to Tamale.

She was handed over to the police for investigations. It was later reported next day that police had left the suspect without a charge after many political heads in the region called the police commander to negotiate on behalf of the suspect.

Sources said the action of the police in the matter drew swift and widespread anger from the entire neighborhood with the youth threatening to exact mob justice.

The police acting on intelligence briefly retook the suspect into custody but the suspect has since not been seen.

Assembly member for the area, Madam Balkisu, who played a major role in the arrest of the suspect confirmed to Kasapa News the suspect had fled the town.

She explained that the police had left the suspect to flee out of the town without any charges against her because the youth wanted to harm the suspect.

She revealed the matron is currently being shielded in Tamale after evading police action in the face of enough evidence to charge her for stealing the insufficient food stuff belonging to the school.

“I have to also protect her, because we are in a community and if something happens to her the community will be held responsible, so in hearing the information in town – what the youth were talking about and other things, we felt that no, in order to protect her we have to also let her go,” Madam Balkisu said.

The traditional ruler of the area, Buipewura Abdulai Jinapor II who was said to have ordered the police to bring back the suspect to face prosecution declined comment when Kasapa News traveled to speak to him at palace.

The district police commander has also refused to comment on the issue.

The headmistress of the school, Madam Mercy Alugba said despite police claims that the matter was under investigation, she was “worried” about the dramatic twist.

The District Chief Executive, Dr. Mustapha Mahama who was suspected of influencing the case denied the allegation, and indicated he was committed to the fight against crimes.

By: Tanko