Former President Jerry John Rawlings says it is quiet excessive allowing US troops onto our soil to the discomfort of Ghanaians.

In a tweet Wednesday, the ex-military leader said: “Ghanaians may love Americans but not to the extent of living with foreign troops on such scale.”

The ruling NPP government has said it cannot back out of the Ghana-US Military cooperation agreement insisting the erstwhile NDC regime already sold out the country with two previous agreements signed in 1998 and 2015 by Rawlings and Mahama administrations.

Addressing a Press Conference in Accra on the matter, the Defense Minister said the current government decided to “clean up” the two agreements and to seek parliamentary ratification which was not done earlier when the two separate agreements were signed by the two former administrations.

“We have already signed a 1998 agreement, we have signed the 2015 agreement, and we have already caught ourselves in this net and we cannot back out because this is just a combination of the two agreements,” the Bimbilla MP said Wednesday afternoon.

But the former leader still wants government to tread cautiously on the controversial move, saying Ghanaians have enough foreigners dominating their economic and social life, hence  “adding foreign troops to the discomfort would be a bit too much.

See Rawlings’ tweet