The Special Prosecutor, Martin Amidu wants the Supreme court to throw out a suit brought against him by the NDC Member of Parliament for Bolga East, Dominic Ayine challenging his eligibility for the office he’s occupying.

He contends the plaintiff’s argument is flawed describing it as politically motivated. According to him, he’s duly qualified for the SP position.

The Bolga East lawmaker is presently before the Supreme court pleading for the annulment of Martin Amidu’s appointment on grounds of old age.

But in his correspondent affidavit to the apex court, Mr. Martin Amidu insists the suit was engineered by functionaries of erstwhile Mahama administration who are frightened by his action to clamp down on corruption in government.

He further argued that Dr Ayine does not “appreciate the fact that Parliament has residual power under the 1992 Constitution to enact sui generis provisions in an Act of Parliament such as Section 13 of Act 959 to deal with matters such as the intractable canker of corruption and corruption-related offences expressly proscribed by the Constitution and laws of Ghana by engaging such legal talents on such terms and conditions as would effectively achieve the objective of the Constitutional proscriptions.”

He adds: “It is my belief that the contradictory and alternative reliefs and submissions contained in the plaintiff’s writ and statement of case demonstrates an absolute lack of good faith and an abuse of the process of his court.”