A seven member jury has finally been formed to assist in the hearing of the trial of the Major Mahama case.

The seven member jury is made up of 6 males and one female, Correspondent Daakyehene Ofosu Agyemang reports.

The impaneling of a jury in that case has failed severally resulting in the delay of the prosecution.

At the last hearing, one of the jurors pulled out. The juror who declined to sit on the panel told the court she was simply uncomfortable.

This compelled the Presiding Judge, Mariama Owusu to adjourn the case to today, April, 25, 2018.

However, in Court today, the vacant seat needed to make up the seven jury has been settled on at the Criminal Division of an Accra High Court.

Correspondent Daakyehene Ofosu Agyemang said 3 people were presented and the Defense team rejected two before accepting the last one.


Late Major Mahama was lynched by locals at Denkyira Obuasi, now New Obuasi upon suspicion that he was an armed robber.