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The Ministry of Education has resolved to proceed with the Teachers licensure examination as scheduled after a meeting with leaders of aggrieved teacher unions.

There’s been heightened tension among some teachers over the examination. One of the aggrieved groups, the newly trained teachers had demanded an outright suspension of the exams claiming that reading materials and reference had not been available.

Some Teacher Trainees indicated they’ll boycott the impending Licensing exams.

But a statement signed by the Public Relations Officer of the Ministry of Education, Ekow Vincent Assafuah said, after the meeting with the aggrieved teacher unions, it was agreed that the licensure examination shall be held more than once every year to enable all newly graduated teachers to participate.

Also, National Service period be considered as part of the one year post-graduation training period of all teachers.

Furthermore, all newly graduated teachers avail themselves of the opportunity of the licensure examination to qualify as ‘licensed teachers’ to enable them secure employment as teachers.