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Some practicing lawyers are excited over the investigative piece by ace investigative Journalist, Anas Aremeyaw that is said to have blown the cover of certain corrupt high profile Judges.

Some lawyers have spoken to say, their suspicion of how corrupt some of the Judges are, have been confirmed with the damning scandal that has rocked the judicial.

There is uneasy calm in Ghana’s Judiciary as thirty-four judges are to be sacked following an exposé that established their alleged complicity in a corruption scandal.

The senior judges including, High Court Judge Charles Quist, Kofi Essel Mensah and Ajet Nassam have been captured on tape in discussion with suspects or assigns of suspects on how to compromise the cases before the Judges respective courts.

The incriminatory video shows money changing hands as one could hear the judges including, a Human Rights Court judge, Charles Quist (a High Court Judge) allegedly making demands to throw away cases which include robbery, murder and corruption among others.

“What if I release him (armed robbery suspect) on Friday and I don’t see you again?” Quist was heard on tape allegedly quizzing someone.

“Oh I will get him off. I will get him off the hook on Friday but everything will depend on you,” he stressed in the conversation.

The lawyers, who spoke to on condition of anonymity, commended Anas for his efforts that are sure to purge the Judiciary of dishonest and corrupt elements.

“We salute Anas for a good work done. Some of these Judges are too corrupt and its even visible in the way they conduct themselves, when you have a case before them as a lawyer, irrespective of the hard work you put in the case at the end of the day, by some strange circumstances which defies common sense these judges will rule the case against you.

Another said, “you sometimes see prosecutors who are handling cases entering the offices of some of these Judges and they come out beaming with smiles, the next thing you know is that you’ve lost the case. When you piece these happenings together you clearly see that some corruption really did occur”.

They have thus called for a massive cleanup exercise in the Judiciary which is supposed to be a beacon of fairness.
