The Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, says one of the things he takes inspiration from when he looks back to assess his political career is availing himself to serve the people of Nadowli/Kaleo and the country at large.

According to him, never in his life has he ever regretted serving his people.

Hon. Bagbin who is aspiring for the flagbearer position of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) made this observation, when interacting with Accra-based Asempa FM on Thursday, September 27, 2018.


Commenting on his performance as a lawmaker and what he has been able to achieve for his people over the 26-year period, Hon. Bagbin said he needs not to blow his own trumpet since the records are visibly there for everybody to see in terms of health, education among others.

“My people always retain me in Parliament and that is the verdict. It meant that they approve what I do and what I intend to do for them. This is not a matter of academic or age or years of experience and resources. It is a matter of how the people assess your works and how they look at your leadership qualities”, he said.

For example, he said he has been able to get two hospitals which have been described as the best in the Upper West Region in addition to some ten health centers and 28 CHPS Compounds for his people.

These health facilities, he noted, are serving the people very well, stressing that he is been able to reduce a lot of the ailments that were plaguing the population in that area and for four (4) good years now, nobody has died delivering in his constituency.

”It is a record there and the doctors are there to attest to it. I was able to support the health personnel, particularly, the nurses, with their education” he stressed.

The Nadowli/Kaleo legislator further revealed that he is putting up a polyclinic which is almost completed to augment the existing health facilities.

Poverty Line

That notwithstanding, he said what makes him a much happier person is being able to move his people out of poverty, recalling how difficult it was for his people when he was elected the Member of Parliament in 1992.

“I’ve done a lot for my constituents and you can’t challenge it. I’ve been able to move my district which was then in 1992 described as the poorest in the country out of the poverty line. And so when you now look at the district poverty league, you will never come across Nadowli and there are visible signs”, he added.

All these facilities, he noted, were funded from a combination of resources either through his personal resources, his share of the Common Fund, through development partners or from private institutions among others.

When asked what has kept his people having faith in him, he remarked “One of the things that I have managed to impress my people is my humility – down to earth.