The Deputy Minister for Regional Re-organization and Development, Martin Adjei Mensah-Korsah, has said that the ruling by the apex court dismissing the suit challenging the constitutionality of government’s decision to create six (6) new regions is a clear indication, the commission of enquiry tasked to inquire into the proposed creation of new regions in some parts of the country followed due process.

According to him, contrary to the views held by some key persons in society who think the commission did a bad job, yesterday’s ruling by the Supreme court affirms the fact that the Commission did nothing wrong.

“The court has put every doubt to bed and it is now very clear that everything with regards to the creation of the new regions is constitutional. It has really proven that the work done by the commission of enquiry was done well. So I believe it’s a very important decision taken by the court” he spoke to host of Anopa Kasapa, Kwaku Owusu Adjei on Kasapa Fm.

A seven-member Supreme Court panel presided over by Justice Sophia Adeniyira in a unanimous decision gave the electoral commission green light with the creation of the new regions, beginning with a referendum.

The Applicants in the action, Mayor Agebleze, Destiny Awlimey and Jean-Claude Amenyaoglo, were essentially seeking interpretation of the Article 5(4) of the 1992 Constitution, which states;

“Where a commission of inquiry appointed under clause (2) and (3) of this article finds that there is the need and a substantial demand for the creation, alteration or merger referred to in either of those clauses, it shall recommend to the President that a referendum be held, specifying the sues to be determined by the referendum and the places where the referendum should be held”.

Reacting to the ruling by the court, lawyer for the applicants, Albert Quarshigah said he is disappointed by the ruling of the Supreme Court.
“We accept the decision but we disagree with the decision and there is ground for our disagreement to the decision” he said.

By: Alex Semorzdi