The Vehicle and Assets Dealers Association of Ghana has described as welcoming Former President John Dramani Mahama’s promise to abolish the Luxury Vehicles Tax, should his party win the general election in 2020.

Addressing some drivers during his Pre-Easter Walkabout in Accra on Thursday, the former President described the Tax as ill-conceived which has over-burdened the ordinary driver.

“My government will abolish the Luxury Vehicles Tax from 2021, if the Akufo-Addo government refuses to suspend or scrap it,” Former President Mahama has said.

Mr. Mahama pointed out that the new tax is a liability and not generating that much revenue, wondering why government would not scrap it.

Chairman of the Vehicle and Assets Dealers Association, Eric Kweku Boateng told Starr FM that the Luxury tax is collapsing their businesses and therefore members of his group welcome Mr. Mahama’s promise in that regard.

“If you’re hungry and somebody said, my brother I can give you food to eat. So what do you do? You just accept,”  he noted.

The luxury vehicles tax was introduced by the Akufo-Addo-led administration to tax vehicles with bigger engine capacities.

The group last month staged a demonstration against the luxury vehicle tax in Accra, protesting the levy.