A leading Member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Kobina Arthur Kennedy, is worried about the ‘politics of insults’ that is creeping into the Ghanaian politics.

Ghanaians he said should be pre-occupied with how to move the nation forward rather than be engaged in verbal abuses.

In a Facebook post Monday, Dr Arthur Kennedy wrote, “Insults are becoming institutionalized in our politics, together with intimidation and violence”.

He condemned such acts, saying people take to insults because they are insecure, and uninformed about issues.

The US-based politician wondered why just a mere opinion he recently shared on reconciliation could attract harsh verbal attacks on him.

“In the last few days, I have gotten a taste of it, even on my facebook wall, for writing about, of all things, RECONCILIATION!”

“Unfortunately, no insult has ever built a bridge, educated a child or healed a sick person. To those who seek to win elections on the back of insults, no insult has ever won or will win an election.”

By: Jonathan J. Adjei/Kasapafmonline.com/Ghana