The National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values, has served notice it will demand that every serious political party in Ghana makes its stance known on LGBT rights before the 2020 general elections.

According to its Leader, Moses Foh-Amoaning the Ghanaian people who have repeatedly demonstrated their aversion for LGBT’s want to know what their political leaders think of the issue in the wake of increased attempt by some world bodies to introduce school children to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender activism.

His comment comes on the back of the planned introduction of a UNESCO Comprehensive Sexuality Education programme which Education Officials say will empower primary school children from age four with information on their sexuality and reproductive health issues.

But parents and Civil Society groups including the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values are questioning why young children have to be introduced to sex education before they are sexually active, describing the plans as “demonic”.

Commenting on the issue on Okay FM as monitored by, Lawyer Moses Foh-Amoaning stated that his outfit will insist that the political parties communicate their positions on the matter in the manifestoes.

“The manifestoes that the various political parties will introduce ahead of the 2020 election we’ll ask them what their position is on the issue of LGBT lobbyism around the world. Every political party will have to respond to it not just by way of talking or commenting on it on social media once in a while but behind the scenes be hob-nobing with them, this we’ll never accept. But we don’t want to politicize this very important matter, we are sounding a note of caution and advising our political friends we’ll come and engaged them on LGBT issues if they reject us fine, we’ll come and tell the Ghanaian people but if they accept us we’ll give out every information we have on this matter so that they can take an informed position. These LGBT people are wealthy and have influence and sometimes they even frighten our politicians when it comes to looking for funds for various programmes and projects.

LGBT rights in Ghana are heavily suppressed. Reports of physical and violent homophobic attacks against LGBT people have been reported.