Hard drives in about five High Courts located in the Law Court Complex building which houses about forty-two (42) High Courts have been stolen from the system’s units of computers used for recording and storing Court records and proceedings.

The case of theft is believed to have happened during the just ended legal vacation which was observed from 1st August to 5th of October 2019.

According to sources within the Law Court Complex building, National Security operatives just last week arrested some Judicial Service workers who work in the affected courts as well as officers of the Judicial Service who work in the Information Technology (IT) department.

The said officers have been questioned and their mobile phones have been seized while investigations continue.

Amongst the affected courts whose hard drives have been stolen is the High Court adjudicating the case of the Republic versus Stephen Opuni, Seidu Agogo and Agriculture Limited (the Cocobod Case), which is presided over by Court of Appeal Judge, Justice Clemence Hoyenuga. With the exception of this Court which is a Criminal High Court, the rest of the affected Courts are Land High Courts.

The case was expected to be called in Court this morning, however, due to the fact that the hard drive that contains the records of proceedings to date has been stolen, the judge was forced to adjourn sitting to the 13 of November 2019.

Source: Kasapafmonline.com/Wilberforce Asare