If our leaders do not for once sit, plan and take decisions that are not prompted by public outcries we will always get to this level.

The world is evolving and it is really going fast. While others are way past identification of problems, problems solving and are now anticipating problems in order to prevent them we on the other hand can’t even see clear and glaring ones.

So how can we solve them? We will always wallow in the dilemma we find ourselves if we do not stop this populist circus.

I have said on many platforms that I am against the practice of monetizing every service an athlete renders to the country but this cat and mouse game with the Black Queens bonuses is irksome.

I was the first person who interviewed the current sports minister Hon Dr. Mustapha Ahmed at my former station when he was earmarked to take over the reins of power at the Sports Ministry, and to the end of the interview I told him we (myself and Asempa FM) were going to help him to move Ghana Sports forward but I am sad at the turn of events now.

Like we always say there is no point in crying over spilled milk, I believe we can improve on trending problems if only we start taking key sports decisions devoid of witch-hunting and trivialization.

My humble plea to the Sports Ministry and the government by extension is, in our quest to develop other sports in the country let us not destroy football.  Let us look at the bigger picture thus looking beyond personal sentiments against individuals running those disciplines.

Our guiding principle in taking decisions concerning sports in the country should relate to taking decisions that will make sports flourish and not decisions seeking to settle personal scores to make individuals unpopular.

We can make people accountable and responsible without necessarily ridiculing Mother Ghana.

The cat and mouse game should stop, let’s protect the good image of Ghana and avoid unnecessary public ridicule.

And to those preaching equality instead of equity as a way of developing sports in the country, we should be careful lest we destroy all.

I repeat again let’s take decisions that will make sports prosper and not decisions seeking to settle personal scores to make individuals unpopular.

By: Adam Adjei – Kasapasports