Family Altar, a non-denominational Christian ministry has marked its 3rd-anniversary celebrations with recommitment towards building happy families across the globe for the Lord Jesus Christ.

The glorious celebration which started from Wednesday, September 18 to Sunday, September 23, 2019, recorded many miracles including the growth of a short leg to the normal. The healing of chronicle headache and the release of fresh grace for the next level.

The event was well graced by members, renowned preachers, gospel musicians, and some prominent personalities.

Gospel musicians who ministered at the event include; Award-winning Pastor Cwesi Oteng, Gifty Empress, Minister Rabi Ankomah Jnr.

Renowned Televangelist, Rev DR. Lawrence Tetteh was there on the last 2 days to help climax the anniversary celebration.
Many miracles were recorded including the growth of a short leg, deaf ear healed at once and many more.

Reverend Moses Bennisan, the founder and General Overseer, in his speech has recounted the beginning of the Family Altar ministry in September 2017 and how far the good Lord has brought him and the ministry.

He also touched on how the ministry since its inception has transformed many lives in Ghana and abroad through countless testimonies and miracles.

He also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all the members who made the anniversary celebration a memorable one.
