Data from the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH),  reveals that Ghana has a ratio of 1:13,000, which is far below the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) standard of 1:2,000.

The new President of the PSGH, Thomas Boateng Appiagyei, has bemoaned the trend, describing it as a worrying situation for the country’s health sector.

“Here in Ghana, the pharmacist to patient ratio of 1:13,000 is woefully inadequate. This is a worrying development for a nation striving to achieve universal access to quality health, sustain its National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), and achieve its critical development goals,” he said.

He’s  attributed the poor trend to the protracted impasse between government and the Hospital Pharmacists Association (GHOSPA), which he says has contributed immensely to the situation by discouraging a lot of pharmacists from practicing their profession in the public sector.

Mr. Boateng urged government to take an interest in the matter and ensure that a swift resolution takes place to curb the situation.

