Film Task Team, a committee set up by the former Minister, Hon. Catherine Afeku to conduct nationwide stakeholder engagement to map out modalities for the Legislative Instrument (L.I) that will ensure the institutionalization of the Development and Classification of Film Law (Act 935), 2016.

The team has sent a congratulatory message to newly appointed National Film Authority Chairman, David Dontoh and Executive Secretary, Juliet Yaa Asantewa Asante.

The Film Task Team after its findings handed over an in-depth report to the Ministry, which included a draft LI which was about 60% ready.

Read Below the full message.

It has been a long journey for us to arrive close to the destination we seek for the Ghanaian Film industry.

For over two (2) decades the fight and lobbying have been on and the fire will not die until we arrive safely at our desired and appropriate destination someday, hopefully, soon.

We congratulate you, David Dontoh and Juliet Yaa Asantewaa Asante on your assumption of the Chairmanship for The National Film Authority Board and Executive Secretary for the National Film Authority respectively as stipulated under Act 935 captioned the Development and Classification of Film Law of Ghana.

We anticipate that your tenure of office would set the right foundations for film to assume its rightful place in the film landscape across the diaspora.

We are convicted that this goal is attainable, provided all film stakeholders put their hands on deck to work at it. We can assure you that you have our unflinching support in these roles.

Once again, congratulations to you both and may God help you each step of the way.

Thank you.