The Central Regional Police Commander, COP Paul Manley Awini, has urged the public to treat with contempt allegations that a vehicle traveling from Takoradi run over victims of last Tuesday’s accident which occurred at Dompoase, a community along the Cape-Coast – Takoradi Highway.

He said it is never true that a vehicle run over the accident victims and killed many, thereby, increasing the death toll.

“There is an allegation that on that day a vehicle run through the victims that were rescued and then possibly killed a number of victims. Our preliminary investigations has not shown that it is the case. That cannot be true as at this stage of our investigations”, he noted.

Briefing the Minister of Transport, Hon. Kwaku Ofori Asiamah, the Minister of Roads and Highways, Hon. Kwesi Amoako Atta and officials of the Ghana Road Safety Authority as well as the Central Regional Coordinating Council over the accident that claimed 34 lives, the Police Commander said personnel from the Ghana Fire Service and the Police emergency team arrived at the scene 30 minutes after the incident and continued to remain on the ground until “all our emergency operations were completed”.

According to him all the leaders of the various security emergency team have furnished his office with their statements and there is nothing that points to the fact that a vehicle ran over the accident victims.

” All of them have given statements and it has shown very clearly that no vehicle has ran and killed people immediately after the accident”, he stressed.

Last Tuesday’s accident involving two buses traveling from Takoradi and Accra claimed 34 lives with 56 of the victims sustaining various degrees of injuries.

The incident, according to the regional Police Commander occurred at 12:10 am on Tuesday, January 14, 2020.