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The Ashanti Regional Police Command has warned protesters for the Inter Party Resistance against the New Voters Register to refrain from acts of lawlessness and vandalism during the demonstration scheduled for tomorrow.

The Command in a Press Statement reiterated that it will go tough on recalcitrant protesters who’ll flout the security measures set for the demonstration tomorrow.

“The Media is entreated to caution all persons or groups that no acts of lawlessness i.e. burning of lorry tyres, throwing of stones, harassment of bystanders and hawkers will be entertained during the demonstration. The Police will ensure that acts that will undermine public peace and order as well as flouts the Public Order will not be entertained.” a statement by the Regional Police PRO, ASP Godwin Ahianyo said.

The event is scheduled to begin from Aboabo School Park-through to Asawase Police Station to – Asare Original Pay All Office, – through to the Central Mosque then continue to -Asanteman Senior High School. Then to the – Kumasi Zoo Traffic Light through Pampaso to – Wesley Methodist Roundabout to – Pioneer Office, Melcom Traffic Light to – Aseda House.

They will continue to – A Life Supermarket through the – Asafo Interchange and Labour Roundabout and finally end at the – Jubilee Park.