The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) has directed its National Secretary, Murtala Mohammed, to apologize to Franklin Cudjoe following his attack on the latter and his policy think tank.

In a statement signed by its Director of Communications, Paa Kow Ackon condemned Murtala Mohammed for tagging IMANI Africa’s Franklin Cudjoe as having a “paymaster.”

“We wish to place on record that the personal comments from our National Secretary and the official position of the PPP in respect of the New Voter Register are not analogous in any way. We disagree with our political opponents, but we do not impugn their character without cause. Personal attacks targeted at perceived opponents are not in the DNA of the PPP,” the party noted in the statement.

Murtala Mohammed launched a tirade against IMANI accusing it of denigrating the institutions of state for its own parochial interest following the Electoral Commission’s decision to procure a new biometric voter management system and also compile a new voters’ register ahead of the December 7 general elections.

For the PPP its “reasons for not supporting the new register are situated in economics and development and not political. The taxpayer must not be made to suffer unnecessarily when leaders fail to pluck low hanging fruits and the economy takes a backward step every time that happens.”

Below is the full statement