A coronavirus survivor, Fred Drah says he is battling another burden that stigma has placed on him and his family after conquering covid-19.

56 year old Drah has said after weeks of the affliction he went through on his sick bed as a result of the infection, he is still tethered to a gloomy situation.

“It’s sickening what I’m going through now in my area. I have to contend with stigmatization from my neighbourhood after boldly accepting the challenge to share my experience following my survival. I can’t shop from any supermarket or buy anything from neighbours because I once contracted the virus. I’m praying God gives me the strength to overcome this too,” Fred Drah told Anopa Kasapa morning show host, Kweku Owusu Adjei.

Notwithstanding his predicament, he said he takes solace in the knowledge that he knows his status now.

“To be frank with you I’m rather frightened by those who are running away from me, because in any case I have tested negative now but what about the multitude who are distancing themselves from me?” he questioned.

Drah said he contracted the coronavirus from a friend who returned into the country from Korea.

” He was coughing profusely but I paid less attention,” he recounted.

Drah reveals that on March, 17, 2020 he felt sick and his temperature was above normal,  and had to visit a facility, where he was tested positive for the coronavirus.

He’d been on admission since then at the Ga East Hospital where he was treated till he recovered.