The National Youth Authority (NYA) has hinted of its plans to train about 2000 young volunteers to argument government’s efforts in the fight against the novel COVID-19 pandemic and also to train and equip additional thousands with entrepreneurial skills ostensibly to address the issues of job losses resulting from the pandemic.

Speaking at the Ministry of Information press briefing this morning, the Chief Executive Officer of NYA, Mr. Sylvester Tetteh stated that about 2000 young people across the country will be trained to educate the citizenry and also provide assistance to frontline workers as the state intensify its combat strategies.

“Over 500 megaphones with recorded messages that will be approved by the Ministry of Information will be given to some of the youth to educate Ghanaians, not only in the cities, but also in the villages and rural communities. Also, the youth with health background will provide the needed support to frontline workers in the area of contact tracing and others” he added.

Mr. Tetteh underscored the economic hardships, specifically job loses, that is associated with the pandemic and assured the Ghanaian youth the readiness of his office to implement programs to offset the jobs loses and ameliorate its concomitant hardships.

“The youth are the worse affected by the pandemic and as part of measures to support them, a baseline study into job loses and health-related issues are being carried out by NYA. This will help us, with the support of government, design and implementation entrepreneurial programs that would drastically deal with the issues of COVID-19 related job loses” he asserted.

It would be recalled that NYA launched a youth-driven campaign against the COVID-19 pandemic a couple of weeks ago and followed it up with a massive donation of PPEs worth over Ghc700,000.00 to the Ministry of Health.