Two wedding guests have been arrested by the Tamale Police Command for partaking in a Wedding Ceremony in Violation of the Imposition on Restrictions Law.

The persons that were picked up during the ceremony were Iddi Ibrahim, 34 an employee of the regional coordinating council and Abubakari Yusif Dauda, 33 a businessman.

According to the Regional Commander, the Police received complaints that a wedding ceremony was underway at Kukuo, a suburb of Tamale.

Police responded to the calls and proceeded to the venue where scores of people had gathered in a merrymaking ceremony.

According to the police, some of the guests managed to evade arrest.

The two persons who were arrested in blatant disregard to the law on public gathering and social distancing are being processed to be arraigned before court.

The Police would like to reiterate that gathering in crowds is unlawful and it puts everyone at the risk of spreading the coronavirus disease.