National Film Authority [NFA] has opened for application from eligible film production houses to pitch their projects for investors and broadcasters.

The Pitch Series project is aimed at giving filmmakers the platforms for collaborations, sponsorship, investment and sales opportunities.

The application is opened to all filmmakers across the country. The shortlisted applicants to be selected for the opportunity must have a well-packaged sales pitch.

Deadline for submission is 15th June, 2020.


Dear Filmmaker,

The National Film Authority is excited to announce a series of content pitches to bring filmmakers and projects to the attention of investors, distributors and platforms for collaborations, sponsorship, investment and sales opportunities.

The NFA invites all filmmakers who have projects in development, production and post to consider applying.

The NFA advises applicants who wish to be selected for the opportunity to have a well-packaged sales pitch as the criteria for selection demands this.

The NFA will communicate with you when your project is selected to make a pitch.

To apply, please follow the link below to send in your application

The NFA advises the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture on matters affecting the film industry and facilitates the establishment of a circuit for the distribution and marketing of locally produced films throughout the country, Africa in general and the world at large.

The board also implement policies to promote the use of films for public education on national integration, unity and cohesion and the mobilisation of the people for behavioural and attitudinal change to enhance national development.

The members of the governing board include actor, David Dontoh as Chairman and Juliet Asante as Executive Secretary.

Other members include Madam Yaa Attafua, Mrs. Dora Darkwa- Mebsah, Dr. Samuel Anyetei Nai, Mr. Samuel Fiscian, Mr. Zakaria Abdulai, Mr. Koffi Nartey, Madam Akorfa Ejeani,  Mr. Kofi Ohemeng Owusu, Mrs. Rukiyaty Ankrah, Mr. Samuel Gyandoh and Mr. Ernest Boateng from Film groups, Copyright, Communication and Attorney General.

The formation of the National Film Authority is in accordance with Section 4 (1), (2) of the Development and Classification of Film,  2016 (Act 935).