Leadership of parliament and the Covid-19 team are frustrated and helpless in getting MPs and Staff who have tested positive for Covid-19 to stay away from the House.

Presenting the business statement, majority leader and minister for parliamentary Affairs, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu cautioned persons who have tested positive after the mandatory testing and have been contacted to stop visiting the House.

The Suame MP observed the affected persons including some journalists have defied the communications from the Covid-19 team asking them to isolate following their positive results.

But the minority in parliament has reinforced demands for a shutdown of parliament following the revelation by the majority leader.

Speaking to Kasapa News,  minority spokesperson on health, Kwabena Mintah Akandor accused the majority leader of denying earlier reports of infections in the legislature to ostensibly save EC’s controversial CI for the compilation of a new voters’ register.