On June 4, 2020, Ghana’s entertainment industry lost DJ Amess after a short illness at the Korle Bu teaching hospital.

The one-time manager of missing Castro has really paid his dues in full through his concerted effort towards unearthing talents and assisting promotion of many artistes both near and far.

The family led by his senior brother Mr Daniel Kwame Asare informed the general public in an interview with Eddie Ray on Kasapa Entertainment the burial of their beloved brother will take off on Saturday 4th July 2020.

The body will be ready for file past early Saturday morning and then taken to the Awudome cemetery later in the day for burial.

The family urged all friends, lovers and followers of the creative arts to support the family financially by sending contributions to this number to support the burial.

MTN Number
0546059912- Daniel Kwame Asare

From Kasapa Entertainment, we say Damirifa due Dj Amess

By: Kojo Kinn