Two students of the Breman Asikuma Senior High School (SHS) have been injured following a clash with the Police.

Reports indicate the clash ensued after two house masters allegedly beat a student who used a mobile phone contrary to school rules.

Students, who were witnesses to the ordeal their fellow student went through, started a melee to register their displeasure.

The atmosphere was so charged that even the presence of the Breman Asikuma Police could not calm down the situation.

The police are reported to have fired several rounds of gunshots in the air to calm down the situation with a stray bullet hitting a student in the leg.

However, the Asikuma Odoben Brakwa District Director of Education, Robert Kwamena Asomani, reacting to the situation, said the students were spewing falsehood.

Speaking to Kasapa FM news Yaw Boagyan he said the chaos started when the teachers decided to conduct a roll call after they realised some students had moved to town.

The injured students received treatment at Our Lady of Grace Hospital at Breman Asikuma.