The presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Dramani Mahama, says the sudden interest of president Akufo-Addo in project infrastructure as part of his government’s achievements is both surprising and deceptive.

Addressing the chiefs and elders of Tsito Mr. Mahama said the government failed the infrastructure test right from the beginning when it canceled road contracts and abandoned projects it inherited from the NDC.

He said many of the abandoned projects would have been completed by now
for the benefit of the people if the government had not abandoned them.

Mr. Mahama assured the people that a new NDC government will continue all
abandoned projects including roads, adding the early years of a new NDC
government will be devoted to completing abandoned projects before new
ones are initiated.

He commended the people of the Volta Region for defying the government-sponsored harassment and intimidation to register in the recently held voter registration exercise and urged them to show the same level of interest when Electoral Commission begins the exhibition of voter register.