A young boy named Kabiru, has met his untimely death after jumping from the third floor of a storey building at Ayekoo Ayekoo, a suburb of Cape Coast when trying to escape beatings from his father Lukman Amusah.

Narrating how the incident happened, the grandmother of the deceased, Zenabu Adamu told Kasapa News Yaw Boagyan that Kabiru had been crying and screaming on Saturday dawn after his father mercilessly beat him.

She said the beating continued in the morning and as Kabiru tried to escape from his heartless father and finding no exit route, the naive boy was left with no option than to jump from the third floor to get away from his marauding father.

He unfortunately crashed his head leaving him in a pool of blood. Kabiru, was rushed to the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital but died shortly.

According to the deceased grandmother, Kabiru’s father has been maltreating him for the past five years.

She suspects the deceased stepmother is responsible for the maltreatment of the late Kabiru as she falsely accused him.

The body has been deposited at the Interberton Hospital morgue while Mr. Lukman and his wife are in the custody of Kotokuraba Police pending investigations.

Source: Kasapafmnline.com/102.5FM