Pro opposition Pressure Group, Let My Vote Count Alliance (LMVCA) has dismissed suggestions that it is trying to stampede the Electoral Commission (EC) into taking a decision that will be favourable to the group in relation to calls for a new voters register.

According to LMVCA, its continuous campaign by way of demonstrations and engaging influential persons to convince them to add their voice to call for new voters register for the 2016, is to ensure that the EC does the right thing that will ensure peace before and after the general elections.

The LMVCA is bent on ensuring the Electoral Commission compiles a new electoral album for the next elections which promises to be keenly contested, insisting that the current roll is fraught with a lot of anomalies. They group insists that changing the album is the only way to guarantee a credible election.

The pressure group in intensifying its campaign yesterday called on the ex President J.J Rawlings and his wife who is the leader of the National Democratic Party (NDP) at separate engagements, to explain their position on the voters register to them in order to get the two leaders to support their course.

Their action has been described by some political analysts as a calculated attempt to sway the EC to act in their favour, especially as the EC has announced an engagement with the political parties at the end of October on matters relating the voters register.

However speaking to Fiifi Banson on Anopa Kasapa on Kasapa 102.3 FM, the Convener of Let My Vote Count Alliance, David Asante said that position is baseless and must be dismissed with the contempt that it deserved.

“We are doing what is legitimate, the EC holding a meeting with the various parties during which each party will make a presentation either in support or against the voters register does not make what is wrong right. The register is fraught with foreigners and if it’s used it will affect the sanctity of the election. We want free and fair polls in 2016, and that we’re committed to by ensuring the voters register is changed.”
