Presidential Staffer, Stan Dogbey

The Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) has revealed that for fear of being victimized by their authorities, staff of the state broadcaster, Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) have refused to append their signatures to a petition demanding sanctions against Presidential staffer, Stan Dogbey.

Some 155 journalists from over 40 media organizations across Ghana last week joined the Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) to petition President John Dramani Mahama requesting punitive action be taken against his staffer.

The petition follows Mr. Dogbe’s assault of Mr. Yahayah Kwamoah, a journalist with the same institution (GBC) nearly two months ago. In an incident that many have described as shameful and embarrassing, the Presidential staffer, seized and destroyed the journalist’s recording equipment at the 37 military hospitals.

The GBC journalist had gone to the hospital to follow-up on developments around the Presidential press corps who had been involved in a serious accident that left one journalist dead and others seriously injured.

“It is important to point out that the aggression by your staffer happened at a sad moment for journalists when colleagues covering your office had been involved in a serious accident that resulted in the death of one colleague with others sustaining serious injuries,” the petitioners said.

The petition notes: “We are concerned that over a month after the incident, and despite the several pleas from many people and organizations, your office has not acted on the matter.”

“It is our considered view that the conduct of a staff of your highly esteemed office has a direct bearing on the reputation of the office. We, therefore, call on you to show personal commitment to the rights of journalists and your intolerance of acts that may bring your highly esteemed office into disrepute,” the petition demands.

However speaking on Joy FM’s News analysis show News File, Executive Director of MFWA Sulemana Braimah stated that he was not the least surprised about the attitude of the GBC staff, as the institution itself appeared nonchalant about the assault on its employee as it delayed in publicly commenting on the matter.

“You speak to the GBC staff and they are in solidarity with their colleague and fully support the petition, but they fear to sign for fear of being victimized, it our view that per Stan Dogbey’s conduct he is not fit for the office of the President and as such President Mahama must act on him.”
