Communications Director of the New Patriotic Party(NPP), Nana Akomea has backed calls for Prof. Adei to appear before parliament to substantiate bribery and corruption allegations made against parliamentarians.

He said those comments are serious allegations that sought to denigrate the legislature, hence he must be made to  come clear on his claims.

“Now parliamentarians, basically are going to become laughing stock, that they not only ask for bribe, but have the impunity to ask for bribery for their girl friends – he needs to be invited to the Privileges Committee to go  and clarify,” he insisted on News File Saturday on Joy FM.

Meanwhile, Member of Parliament for Adansi Asokwa, K.T Hammond also wants Prof Adei to be made to appear before the Privileges Committee of parliament should he fail to come clean on the matter, before parliament resumes.

Professor Stephen Adei has alleged that most members of Ghana’s parliament use their roles on parliamentary select committees to receive bribes before approving projects and policies.

He’s accused them of shamefully going to the extent of demanding additional bribes that will cater for their girlfriends.

Professor Adei who was addressing the 40th anniversary of the SAPS School in Accra, also stated that “at least 8 in 10 politicians in Ghana are glorified thieves although almost every need of theirs, he said is met by the state.
