Lawyers of John Dramani Mahama in the ongoing election petition case have filed an application at the Supreme Court asking the apex court to review its ruling regarding the refusal of its 12 interrogatories yesterday.

The Supreme Court in a unanimous decision yesterday dismissed a motion from the petitioner calling on the Election Commission to respond to some questions they consider will help narrow down the issues set out in the petition.

In court on Wednesday, when the case was called, Lawyers of the petitioner were immediately not in court.

When the panel enquired of them, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, who is representing John Mahama, said they were at the court registry filing their processes.

Moments later, Mr. Tsikata arrived and informed the court that, they were at the registry filing their memorandum of issues.

He also informed the court that, they have filed a review application against the court’s ruling yesterday.

The panel chaired by Justice Kwasi Anin Yeboah, the Chief Justice with support from Justice Yaw Appau, Justice Samuel Marful-Sau, Justice Nene Amegatcher, Prof Nii Ashie Kottey, Justice Marriama Owusu and Justice Gertrude Torkunor have retired t their chambers to apprise themselves with the issues.

Mr Mahama, the petitioner is not in court when the case was called.

Source: Ghana/ Fm/Murtala Inusah