Mr Riad Hoziafeh, a confidant of ex-President Rawlings has asked veteran Journalist Abdul Malik Kweku Baako to thank the late President Rawlings for his(Baako’s) existence.

Mr Hoziafeh who is a civilian but was powerful and ordered soldiers about during the revolution revealed that he planned with some soldiers to kill Mr. Baako after he allegedly insulted Mr Rawlings as a bastard.

Speaking in an interview on “Ekosi sen” show monitored by where he recounted his memories of Mr. Rawlings, Mr. Hoziafeh who was born to a Lebanese father and Ghanaian mother stated that Kwaku Baako’s life was spared only because Rawlings did not sanction his decision to kill Mr. Baako.

When Kweku Baako insulted Rawlings as a bastard, I and some soldiers we wanted to go and clear (kill) him but the Chairman(Rawlings) heard about it and he summoned us. He said if any harm happens to Kweku Baako, he will hold us responsible and so Kweku Baako owes his life to Rawlings… We would have done it (kill), I’m telling you we could not sit down, we were so angry. We were prepared to die for Rawlings. Someone said Rawlings is a bastard and I should allow the person to go free,” Mr Hoziafeh fumingly asked

Mr. Baako who was once a close associate of late ex-President Rawlings fell out with him for over 40 years.

He did not reconcile with Mr. Rawlings before he (Rawlings) died.

The late President died in the early hours of Thursday, November 12, 2020 at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra.
