The Member of Parliament for Bawku Central and six others who are standing trial for corruption-related offence in the purchase of ambulance have been acquitted and discharged

This was after the court had upheld their respective submission of no case from the accused persons after they were asked to open their defence.

The accused persons were Hawa Ninchema, Sumaila Ewuntomah Abudu, Alex Avade, Alhaji Abdul-Mumuni Jesewunde, Mary-Stella Adapesa, Mumuni Yakubu Nambe and Mahama Ayariga.

The Financial and Tax Division of the Accra High Court presided over by Justice Afia Serwah Asare Botwe upheld their submission of no case after the state had called two witnesses to prove its case.



Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu in 2019 filed the charges against National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament (MP) for Bawku Central, Mahama Ayariga.

The new charges filed at an Accra High Court accused the NDC MP of using his public office for his personal gains in importing vehicles into the country illegally.

Mr. Ayariga, who was dragged before the court was facing a total of five charges of using public office for private benefit and profit.

He is alleged to have fraudulently evaded customs duties and taxes on the importation of the vehicles into the country.

The MP is also being accused of abusing his office as an MP by selling three Toyota V8 Land Cruisers meant to be used by him for his official duties to Kenderick Akwasi Marfo of Atlas-Rent-A-Car at the price of $40,000 each. He has been charged alongside the MP.

According to the Special Prosecutor, Mr. Marfo stands accused for “Acting in collaboration with a public officer for the public officer’s benefit.”

Source: Inusah