Caleb Kudah, the Journalist with Accra-based Citi FM who was arrested by operatives of National Security for taking pictures within the National security facility has accused the security officials of physically assaulting him while in handcuff.

They took me to a police post where I met DSP Azugu but this time the gentleman had told everybody that I had come there and breached the protocols trying to cause problem.

“All the police officers there became agitated and aggressive towards me so they took me to a smaller office and I showed them my ID and I told them that I am from Citi, I agree I shouldn’t have taken them, let’s delete it and please let me go but they wouldn’t.

“He said, ‘take his statement.’ He pushed me, I sat on the chair. They slapped me from the back. These are police officers, men in uniform. Some were bearded and had guns,” he narrated to his boss Bernard Avle in an interview.

He said though he was in handcuff, the security operatives kept assaulting him for which reason he felt dizzy at a point in time.

“They were still beating me slapping me from the back, I will be talking to another one and someone will come and slap me from the back and you feel dizzy at once. At this point, they had handcuffed me and every now and again one will come and press it harder so that I feel the pain.

“Along the line, a man identified as Agyeman came in and I tried to talk to him, and immediately, he asked me to kneel down and he kicked me in the groin. I tried to plead with him that Sir they have beaten me enough. I beg you please let me go because he told me to kneel down, he kicked me in the groin,” Caleb Kudah added.
