Management of the Our Lady of Grace Hospital in Breman Asikuma in the Central Region has rubbished claims against it of engaging in corruption and financial malfeasance.

It has also denied allegations of highhandedness and intimidation by the Head of the Hospital, Rev. Sister Edith Gaba.

Some nurses had alleged that the management of the hospital has engaged in corrupt deals and financial Malfeasance which is negatively impacting the hospital.

They alleged that the provident fund which is a contribution from an individual’s salary has been blocked and kept by the Rev. Sister Edith who has threatened that anyone who will speak about would be sacked.

The said nurses further alleged that management members have been stealing from the hospital, citing a case in point where the human resource manager of the hospital allegedly stole GHC40,000 but the matter is allegedly being covered up by the Head of the Hospital.

They also alleged that the Hospital administration has terminated a contract with a Security firm to enable Rev. Sister Edith Gaba to fix her own people and allegedly engage in fishy deals.

But the hospital’s administration in an interview with Kasapa News Yaw Boagyan, insisted that all the allegations leveled against them are untrue and further urged the public to treat them with the contempt that they deserve.

According to the hospital authority, it resolved to abrogate the contract with the security service company because the security personnel assigned to the hospital have woefully in their performance.

The management said theft in the hospital has become rampant despite the presence of security personnel.

It added that the security personnel have been present when laptops, mobile phones, and money have been stolen, which is a clear indication of their incompetence.

They said they will employ new energetic and reliable security personnel from the Asikuma Community to work for the hospital.

The hospital administration further denied claims that it is preventing nurses from furthering their education.

“Over 40 nurses applied to go to school and over 30 were allowed so this means about 80 % nurses were allowed to go to school. So it’s never true we’ve prevented nurses from going to school.” Rev. Sister Edith Gaba said.

She noted that the issue of money theft is currently under investigation by the police, hence urged the said staff to desist from hasty and baseless conclusions.

Source: Boagyan