The National Road Safety Authority has supported and agreed to a call by a journalist at Agoo FM to declare a ‘National No Movement Day’ to help reduce road accidents in the country.

The E/R Head of National Road Safety Authority Dennis Yeribu said we should consider road accidents in the country as a pandemic saying close to 3,000 people die every year which is not a joke.

“People who are not sick, people who have plans, we have teachers, journalists, lawyers, doctors, pastors, Imams; everybody is affected and it’s a time we call a national contentious to address this issue once and for all,’’ he stated.

The Journalist Ebenezer Kojo Nyavor in his article published on indicated that the ‘National No Movement Day’ will create a picture for every driver who may decide to wrongfully overtake adding that, this will ensure the driver, the pedestrians, passengers and all stakeholders will be cautious about road accident.

Part of the article reads: ‘’Some Experts have advised that the country should construct dual carriageways to reduce road accidents.

That is a good call we must consider as a country but I think that, if we don’t change our mindsets as a people over our behavior towards careless driving, there is no way this menace could be addressed even if 95% of our roads are carriageways.

I believe that, despite debates surrounding the way to prevent road accidents in the country, there is the need to create a picture to every driver who may sit before the steer.

This picture will send a message to every driver who may decide to wrongfully overtake or may drive carelessly. The picture is the “Declaration of No Movement Day” where no Car will move.

I believe some drivers may not always listen to the radio, read newspapers or watch TV when some of these programs are taking place. To the best of my knowledge, this will send a signal to every driver, every passenger, the pedestrian and all stakeholders that ‘we must all help to reduce road accident.’’

Responding to this in an interview with Obaahemaa Yaa Mirekua on Agoo FM’s morning Show ‘Ene Nso Bio’ Dennis Yeribu said ‘We have to support the right agencies to stand; we have to support a right call to stand. At times some drivers attack us because they claim that, they know enough, but if they know enough why do all the accidents happen on good roads?

He revealed that the National Road Safety Authority was happy to see such a write up saying this means the citizenry is taking cognizance that road accident is a national emergency.

He made reference to several accidents claiming innocent lives adding that these people told their families they were going to return only to perish on the road.

Dennis Yeribu said more than 80% of road users including drivers are aware of road safety education but the little gab is that, nobody thinks he/she could be the next victim.

“So this article is a good call, I know the economist will say the economic burden and productivity cost to the economy will be so high, that, it is not possible…it is true but I think the motion behind the call is fine, it’s to draw our attention to the current happening in the country with regard to a road accident.”